Collection of Rade Dacić

Dublin Core


Collection of Rade Dacić
Архива Радета Дацића


Rade Dacić
Раде Дацић
Seminar for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute
Семинар за историју и филозофију математике Математичког института


The collection includes a series of conversations with prominent scientists in the field of Mathematical Sciences in Serbia about their scientific work. The conversations were organized by the head of the Seminar for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute - Rade Dacić - in cooperation with the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade in the period between 1995 - 1998. Some of these conversations were recorded on audio tapes, and some are kept in textual form.
Колекција садржи серију разговора са угледним научницима у области математике и сродних дисциплина у Србији о њиховом научном раду, коју је организовао руководилац Семинара за историју и филозофију математике при Математичком институту - Раде Дацић - у сарадњи са Музејом науке и технике у Београду. Неки од тих разговора су забележени на аудио касетама, а неки се чувају у текстуалној форми.


Rade Dacić


1994 - 1998


Audio tape digitazing: Marija Dumnić Vilotijević
Дигитализација аудио касета: Марија Думнић Вилотијевић


Mathematical Institute SANU
Математички институт САНУ




Српски = srp

Collection Items

In Conversation with Zlatko Mamuzić
A conversation with Zlatko Mamuzić about his scientific work, organized by the head of the Seminar for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute - Rade Dacić, on October 4, 1994 (8 pages).

In Conversation with Miodrag Tomić
A conversation with Miodrag Tomić about his scientific work, organized by the head of the Seminar for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute - Rade Dacić, on April 19, 1994 (9 pages). Listen to the recording part 1…

In Conversation with Bogoljub Stanković
A conversation with Bogoljub Stanković about his scientific work, organized by the head of the Seminar for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute - Rade Dacić, on November 22, 1994 (6 pages). Listen to the recording…
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