Statutes of the Mathematical Institute

Dublin Core


Statutes of the Mathematical Institute
Статути Математичког института


Managing Board of the Mathematical Institute
Савет Математичког института


The collection includes statutes of the Mathematical Institute since its foundation in 1946.
Колекција садржи статуте Математичког института од времена његовог оснивања 1946. године.


MISANU Archives


Scanning: Miloš Milovanović, Marija Šegan-Radonjić
Скенирали: Милош Миловановић, Марија Шеган-Радоњић


Mathematical Institute SANU
Математички институт САНУ







Collection Items

Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1966
Fourth Statute of the Mathematical Institute adopted on April 5, 1966 (84 pages).

Statute of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences from 1954
Second Statute of the Mathematical Institute adopted on July 6, 1954 (18 pages).

Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 10
Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 10 (3 pages).

Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 9
Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 9 (3 pages).

Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 8
Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 8 (3 pages).

Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 7
Typed Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 7 (2 pages).

Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 6
Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 6 (2 pages).

Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 5
Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 5 (5 pages).

Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 4
Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 4 (2 pages).

Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 3
Handwritten Draft of the first Statute of the Mathematical Institute from 1946 - version 3 (2 pages).
View all 13 items